“Colophon” comes from the Greek word “κολοφων” or "kolophon," which means "summit" or "finishing touch." It is a description of the details and methods behind a publication and is often found on the last few pages of books.


The brand and style guide for Chicago Dancing Festival was created by Vin Reed at vin design, and features various weights of Frutiger. 


Photo Credit: Todd Rosenberg
Victoria Jaiani in The Dying Swan (Photo by Todd Rosenberg)
Battleworks Dance Company in Takademe (Photo by Todd Rosenberg)
Photo Credit: Todd Rosenberg

Photo Credit: Dominika Fitzgerald

The Joffrey Ballet in In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated - Rory Hohenstein and Victoria Jaiani (Photo by Cheryl Mann)
Martha Graham Dance Company in Steps in the Street (excerpt from Chronicle) (Photo by Cheryl Mann)
After School Matters in Touch of Soul. Photo Credit: Cheryl Mann


This site utilizes Typekit to enable beautiful typography for web and mobile. Primary navigation is set in Trade Gothic Bold Condensed. Titles, subheadings, and body text are set in Myriad Pro.

Site Design and Development

Neoteric Design designed and developed the Chicago Dancing Festival website in the Spring of 2013. Neoteric partners with innovators, start-ups, universities, and not-for-profits to craft engaging websites and applications. Guided by lean startup principles, practical usability testing, and user-centered design, Neoteric Design takes a multidisciplinary approach to uncover how customers use and understand products and services.


InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Vim, and Sublime Text 2 were used in the creation of this site. The site runs on Ruby on Rails and content is maintained using proprietary CMS Gems from Neoteric Design, and Active Admin. It is authored using HTML5, and complies with web standards as set by the W3C.